THE POWER OF LEVERAGE will make you rich.
It is absolutely necessary to use leverage if you want to become wealthy. In fact, you need to use massive amounts of Leverage. The more leverage you use, the more leverage you need to use.
Leverage is the ability to control a lot with just a little. It gives you the ability to utilize more than just you. Through leverage, you can effect change much more rapidly. Leverage equals speed, or velocity. The more leverage you have, the faster your journey to wealth.
Example 1
If you saved $10,000 per year and borrowed at 90%, after one year you could buy an investment property that cost $100,000. If you waited until you saved $100,000, then it would take you 10 years and the price of the property would likely be much much higher.
It's generally true that "you need money to make money."
Example 2
Bill Gates applies enormous leverage by leveraging the time and effort of 65,000 staff. Essentially allows an individual to capture the time and effort of many. It allows you to produce quickly what you couldn't produce in one or more lifetimes.
Example 3
Learning and copying good income-producing ideas ( Buss networking business model ) are testaments to the power of leverage - learn a proven method and replicate it.
The process of wealth creation is the ultimate use of the leverage . The process is tried, tested and works very well. You just have to learn it and diligently apply it.
With leverage, you're not alone. You can tap the strengths of all the resources you need around you. You can vastly multiply the effectiveness of one person. Through leverage, sales can run and grow independently of the inventor or owner. Leverage allows you to create systems that run themselves . Leverage is essential to create wealth exponentially. Those who want to become wealthy or are on the wealth path must focus on understanding, mastering and fully utilizing leverage.
Buss unique system, the Best ever in Insurance Industry..a great opportunity to create a solid business with Sustainability and Legacy.
Invest 5 years of your life into this business, the business will take care of you for the rest of your life.
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